Major Development Pre-Application under The Planning (Development Management) Regulations (NI) 2015

This online consultation period will be held until the 12th June 2024.


Proposed change of use of existing vacant farmlands and expansion of established/ historic Ballymoney Rugby Club to accommodate 3 number grass pitches/ practice areas with betterment to existing access and all-weather parking areas, consolidation of pitches/ surfaces and associated site works.



The purpose of this consultation is to inform the design process and any subsequent planning applications which will be made to Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council for the above project.

Persons wishing to make comment to the applicant may do so easily via this webpage & further information on the project is available below.

If you wish to discuss the project or require more information you can also contact Manor Architects directly on

028 867 483 67.

Note that any comments made are to the applicant (Ballymoney Rugby Club) & not the council’s planning team.

An opportunity to make representation to the council’s planning team will be provided at a later stage through the usual planning process.

Any comment you make is treated in strict confidence and as anonymous.


Ballymoney Rugby club is an established club registered as a community amateur sports clubs (CASC) and part of the Irish Rugby Football Union (Ulster Branch). The club runs 4 men’s teams. ladies section and has a youth driven focus with youth and mini rugby for all ages.

Ballymoney Rugby Club are fully committed to promoting sport and the growth and development of their club and continually re-invest in projects to improve the club including pitches, floodlights, grounds and building maintenance.

The club does not operate on a full-time basis however, facilities are used regularly throughout the week, with main activities occurring on Saturday when youth sections play in the morning and adult matches in the afternoon. Training primarily takes place in the evening times after 6pm until 9pm.

The club is committed to improving accessibility and increasing participation in rugby across male and female and all age grades. It is open to the whole community and club activities include training, matches, youth tournaments and family fun days. The club runs a disability rugby team for children with physical, sensory, and learning difficulties. Several local schools make regular use of the pitches for training.


Ballymoney Rugby Club is located on the southern side of Kilraughts Road, adjacent to Kilraughts Road roundabout and approximately 2km east of Ballymoney Town Centre.

The surrounding area is rural in character comprising residential dwellings and agricultural land. Kilraughts Road forms the northern boundary and Frosses Road adjoins the site to the west. The southern and eastern boundaries are defined by mature hedging. The existing site topography is flat.

The location map below indicates the position of the site in relation to Ballymoney:


Ballymoney Rugby Club’s existing facilities include a clubhouse and gym, carparking and 3 grass pitches.

The club seeks to improve their facilities through expansion, reorientation of their existing pitches and consolidation of existing parking and access provision. This will enable the club to become an exemplar to other clubs in all sporting arenas, striding for inclusivity, diversity, and accessibility for all.

In line with these ambitions, the club has secured, with agreement of an adjacent landowner, the purchase of additional lands of circa 6 acres to accommodate pitches and practice spaces which will alleviate some of the pressures on the current site layouts and site constraints.


Proposed change of use of existing vacant farmlands and expansion of established/ historic Ballymoney Rugby Club to accommodate 3 number grass pitches/ practice areas with betterment to existing access and all-weather parking areas, consolidation of pitches/ surfaces and associated site works.

Ballymoney Rugby Club is an established local, youth driven club striving for inclusivity, diversity and accessibility for all.The proposals are in line with their ambitions to become an exemplar club promoting inclusive sport for all at grass roots level within the local community.

The proposed expansion will meet the ongoing needs of the club’s players and patrons and will facilitate concurrent home matches and sustain the club for years to come.

Expansion of facilities is not possible in any other location and must be located in the vicinity of the existing pitches and club house facilities.

The extension of the existing established use can be integrated into the surroundings with no significant impact to visual amenity or character.


On behalf of Ballymoney Rugby Club, thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback and you are encouraged to do so via the form opposite.

If you have any specific questions or would like to receive more information about the development, please contact Manor Architects directly on 028 867 483 67.

Any comment you make is treated in strict confidence and as anonymous.


A public exhibition and drop-in event on the proposal will be held in Ballymoney Rugby Club, 63 Kilraughts Road, Ballymoney, BT53 7HL on 4th June 2024 from 5pm-8pm.